The Holy Graph

Hi! In here, you (hopefully) can find everything you need to properly get started, work through and finish every project.

(And don't forget your aftercare – or don't you want to really make sure you understood properly what exactly you did, and are ready to go for the next? ;))

#What does that mean?

This means we'll try to group stuff we think you should know about a project into specific areas, namely:

  • Prerequisites (or: Things you should know before you even start to code.)
  • Things to get familiar with during a project. This might include:
    • Programming concepts
    • New syntactic constructs
    • Some computer science theory
  • Cleanup (or: What you might want to check before/when submitting your project.)
  • Aftercare

#Our Assumptions

For every project, we will assume that:

  • You have read the subject.pdf of the project
  • You're interested in really understanding what you're doing. You definitely will get some information along the way that might not make sense immediately. Please have some trust. We know what we're doing. It will be worth it for you in the long run - even if only knowledge-wise.
  • You're capable of following links, googling stuff, and filing pull requests if you think these guides can be improved.

We will not assume that:

  • You have any previous knowledge except for the prerequisites we state.
    If we somehow seem to have forgotten to mention some knowledge that is needed to understand something, please file an issue :)
  • You have any other previous programming skills. Whenever we mention them, we will try to explain what we mean – if not, we will try to provide pointers on where to look.

In short, this guide tries to be the nice buddy you always can ask about stuff and is giving you pointers where your code still might have issues.

With that under your belt, you should be able to start your journey!

See you soon ;)

← Mastering 42

Found something to improve? Edit this page on Github!

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